Last modified by Irina Hrehorciuc on 2022/05/03 09:30

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1 1. [[Create a document>>]] http:~/~/
2 1. Bookmark this document in your browser
3 1. [[Create a second document>>]] http:~/~/
4 1. Create a separate page to run the following [[velocity>>extensions:Extension.Velocity Macro]] script. The script will allow you to move document 1 to be a child document of A
5 {{code language="velocity"}}{{velocity}}
6 #set ($source = $services.model.resolveSpace('1'))
7 #set ($destination = $services.model.resolveSpace('A'))
8 $services.refactoring.move($source, $destination).join()
9 {{/velocity}}{{/code}}
10 1. Go back to http:~/~/ and recreate this page. In edit mode add the following redirect snippet and then save the page.
11 {{code language="velocity"}}{{velocity}}
12 $response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL('A.1'))
13 {{/velocity}}{{/code}}
14 1. Click on the bookmark you made earlier.

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