Search For Title

Last modified by Ilie Andriuta on 2022/05/03 09:28

Home Search Tests Home Run Test

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a L1 nested document (document a).
  2. Create new child pages (b, c, d, e) by adding additional levels in the URL as follows: http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/a/b/c/d/e/ (all pages need to be created)
  3. Search for the title of any of the pages

Expected results

The search result is highlighted in the 'Title' section. 

In this case the Page Title is the same as Page Name, as it was not set differently when the pages were created (either by clicking on 'pencil' in LOCATION section from 'Create Page' view, either by inserting a different title when the page was in edit mode right after creation). If those 2 are identical, the Page Title has priority when searching.


per page of Page
Jira Issue
The environment prevents the table from loading data.

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