Last modified by Gabriela Anechitoaei on 2022/05/03 09:28

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1 1. Create a new page “a”
2 1. Create a nested page “b” under a
3 1. Edit page b and populate it with some text
4 1. At the end of the page add a word to be used as anchor (e.g. Heading1) and format it with a heading
5 1. To create a link from page a to the heading on page b, edit page a in WYSIWYG and write in Source:(((
6 {{code}}
7 [[Label>>space:.b||anchor="HHeading1"]]
8 {{/code}}
9 )))
10 1. Switch to the WYSIWYG tab in page a and change the link label (e.g. write "1" after the word "Label" or inside the word)
11 1. Go back to the source tab and look at the link syntax
12 1. Save the page
13 1. Click on the link

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