Notifications Email Preferences Macro

Last modified by Ilie Andriuta on 2022/05/03 09:30

Home Macros Home Run Test

Steps to reproduce

  1. Edit a page with CKEditor
  2. Click Insert > Other Macros
  3. Search for Notifications Email Preferences Macro
  4. Click 'Submit'
  5. Click 'Save & View'
  6. Observe the existing settings on the macro (on 'Email Frequency' and 'Details of the changes')
  7. Click on the top right bell icon > Notifications > Settings
  8. On the Email Preferences section, change the 'Email Frequency' and 'Details of the changes' settings to another ones
  9. Go to the edited page and observe the settings on the macro
  10. On the Macro, change the 'Email Frequency' and 'Details of the changes' settings to another ones
  11. Observe the settings on the Notification Settings

Expected results

The Notifications Email Preferences Macro is displayed into the page. Both settings ('Email Frequency' and 'Details of the changes') are synchronized with the existing ones on Notification Settings. If they are changed from the Macro, the updates are reflected on Notification Settings and vice versa.


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Jira Issue
The environment prevents the table from loading data.

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