Live email notifications on subwiki

Last modified by Ilie Andriuta on 2023/09/27 15:25

Home Notification Tests Home Run Test

Steps to reproduce

- The Mail Sending should be configured on Main Wiki: Configure Mail Sending
- A local user exists on subwiki and has an email address set in its profile
- Eventually, go to webapps\xwiki\WEB-INF\ and set = 0 to enable the sending of e-mails instantly. Make sure the line is not commented out (doesn't have an # at the start of it).

  1. Login as Admin
  2. Create a subwiki
  3. Log in as a simple local user on the subwiki (with email address in the profile)
  4. Click on the bell in the top right corner
  5. Make sure the Watch Notifications Toggles are ON
  6. Click on Settings, in the right side of Notifications
  7. Set "Email Frequency" to Live
  8. Make sure all toggles in the Email column are ON
  9. Log in with another user or with Admin
  10. Create/update/delete a page
  11. Comment in another page
  12. Mention the used user in the content of a page

Expected results

An email is sent to the user that has the notifications set to ON, Live.


per page of Page
Jira Issue
The environment prevents the table from loading data.

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